Apex Legends dev promises Ranked changes after ‘unrewarding’ Season 17

Hero Anime Thematic eventRespawn Entertainment

A member of the Apex Legends dev team has assured fans they can expect changes to Ranked in Season 18 after some players claimed Season 17’s experience was unrewarding.

As with most competitive shooters, Apex Legends has three main modes in which to experience the battle royale: Ranked and Unraked Trios & Duos.

While both modes essentially play the same, Ranked modes grades one’s performance and players can climb through the ranks or fall below based on how well they do in matches.

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Unfortunately, some players have found the Season 17 Ranked experience to be a bit lacking. In response to some community feedback, one of the members of the Apex Legends dev team confirmed there will be changes coming to Ranked in Season 17.

Apex Legends dev assures Ranked changes next season

The confirmation came from one of Apex Legends Ranked Designers, Aaron ‘Exgeniar’ L on the Apex Legends subreddit.

Exgeniar replied to a thread titled “Wish this moment felt more rewarding,” where one fan showed a screenshot of them reaching Master Rank in Season 17.

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The Ranked Designer assured the fan that they should be proud of their achievement, noting that it looked as though they “beat a bunch of players whose MMR is higher” than their own and that they essentially beat the odds.

apex legend dev response to ranked in season 17 reddit

However, some fans took the opportunity to ask Exgeniar questions while he was around, as one player asked, “So you guys think the current system is fine? Are there any changes we can expect next season?”

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The Apex Legends gave a short, yet definitive response to the question: “You can definitely expect [Ranked] changes next season.”

Unfortunately, those were all the details Exgeniar was willing to give at the moment. With Season 18 still a ways off, Respawn probably has a bit more planning to do before the team is ready to reveal how it plans to shake up Ranked in the next season.

Still, considering many Apex players have voiced concern with Season 17’s Ranked system, this likely comes as welcome news to the community.

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