Apex Legends content creator under fire after claiming “nobody cares” about the game in 2023

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It’s no secret that Apex Legends has seen better days. Once a superstar of the battle royale genre, the game has seen a troubling decline in player and viewer counts of late. However, content creator ‘ottr’ has come under fire for pointing out the struggles, with some fans fighting back against the claims.

Content creator Ottr has taken to Twitter, sounding the death knell for the game. Yet, in doing so, they’ve sparked a wildfire of responses and drawn attention to the real issues plaguing the Apex community.

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“When I say Apex is dead I mean it,” Ottr tweeted on July 5. “Views are down on every platform, for every creator. Smaller creators have been quitting, it’s just a matter of fact before the bigger ones do as well.

“Nobody cares about Apex anymore. The new season has to get interest up more than ever, or the game is over,” he claimed.

Apex Legends Streamer Claims Nobody CaresTwitter: ottrTweets

And the numbers seem to agree with Ottr’s grim prophecy. Twitch stats for July show a 21% decline in concurrent viewers from the previous month, rounding out to an average of 30.9K viewers.

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Over on Steam Charts, the player base in June dropped by a staggering 17.04% compared to May. Ottr’s tweet wasn’t mere speculation.

Yet, not everyone shares Ottr’s point of view. ‘Apex Navy,’ another Twitter user, argued that the cycle of love and hate for the game is nothing new: “Someone says this every single season… It’s actually annoying.”

Another user, ‘Thordan Smash,’ admitted to noticing a drop in views, but refrained from calling it a death knell for the game.

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But perhaps the most damning of the feedback comes from the game’s own community. Reddit user ‘imnew- highlighted‘ how flawed matchmaking and a discouraging experience for casual players is hurting the game.

Echoing this sentiment, user ‘MrPheeney’ suggested that the game has “given up on matchmaking in general.” Another, sking74, added the persisting issue of third-party cheating devices into the mix.

Only time will tell whether Apex Legends is on its last legs or if the upcoming season will breathe new life into the battle royale game.

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Whatever the outcome, Ottr’s tweet has sparked a critical conversation around the game’s future and drawn attention to the real issues the community wants addressed.

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